Intel reveals multi-generation Xeon roadmap: Only new E-Core Xeons

It is no secret that Intel’s corporate processor. Platform has expanded in recent generations. Compared to the competition . Intel follows its multifaceted strategy by relying on .  A production platform that does not offer the best in the market. Intel is reportedly quoting more shipments of its latest Xeon. Products in December than AMD for all of 2021, and the company will launch its next-generation Sapphire Rapids . Xeon Scalable platform later in 2022. Except . Sapphire Rapids is somewhat protected. With minor leaks here and there, but today . Intel is lifting the lid on that roadmap.

State of play today

Currently on the market is Intel’s Ice Lake 3rd . Generation Europe Cell Phone Number List Xeon Scalable . platform built on Intel’s 10nm node with up to 40 Sunny Cove cores. The die is large, around 660mm2 . And in our benchmark . we saw a significant increase in performance compared to the 2nd generation . Xeon offering. Reaction to the Ice Lake Xeon has been mixed given . The competition in the market, but Intel has been leading the way by leveraging a complete. platform along with its FPGA, memory, storage, networking and unique acceleration offerings. Data center revenue is up or down, depending on . which quarter you look at, depending on how customers digest . Their current processor inventory (as CEO Pat Gelsinger stated).

Europe Cell Phone Number List

Next generation Xeon Scalable

Looking beyond Sapphire Rapids .  Intel is finally releasing   materials Afghanistan phone number data to the public to show . what’s coming up on the roadmap. After the Sapphire Rapids. we will have the corresponding Emerald Rapids Xeon Scalable. Platform product, also built on Intel 7, in 2023. Given the naming conventions, the Emerald Rapids will probably be the 5th. generation. Emerald Rapids (EMR), like some other platform updates, is expected to reap the low-hanging fruit of the Sapphire Rapids design for performance improvements as well as production. updates. With platform compatibility, this means Emerald will have support for PCIe lanes, CPU-to-CPU connectivity, DRAM, CXL, and other IO features. It is possible that we will also see updated accelerators. But what silicon will look like is still unknown

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